Contact and opening hours

Kungsör Town Hall

Kungsör Municipality
Drottninggatan 34
736 85 Kungsör
Telephone switchboard: 0227-60 00 00

Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 7.30am – 4.30pm
Closed for lunch 12 – 1pm

Employees work flexitime


Kungsör library
Drottninggatan 34, 736 31 Kungsör
Opening Hours: Monday – Wednesday 12 – 7pm, Thursday – Friday 12 – 5pm.
Saturdays 10am – 1pm September - April.
Telephone: 0227-60 02 10.

The library has books in english, finnish and arabic among others. You can also search books from the International library in Stockholm.

Tourist Information Office

is situated in the Town Hall.
Telephone: 0227 - 60 01 01.

Important Telephone Numbers

Ambulance: Emergency, ring 112.

Rescue Services: Emergency, ring 112. 

Police: Emergency, ring 112.
Reports and information, ring 114 14.

To report problems with streets, roads, water and sewage to the municipality: Call 0227-60 01 12 during office hours, 9.30-10.30am, 1-2pm.

Outside office hours, emergency problems with housing, streets, roads, water and sewers are to be reported to the emergency service centre in Västerås on 021-30 25 60.

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